The French National Sense of Self

Nov 11, 2007 15:13

The French National Sense of Self

Sitting in a Paris McDonald’s earlier this spring, sipping a diet Coke and snacking on French Fries I couldn’t help but think that the French national sense of self is delusional and laced with an over inflated sense of self-importance. The French are the modern masters of acquiescence…think Euro Disney!

It is also ground zero for Euro-trash, the white European punk movement born out of the desperation of misapplied democratic socialism. They insist that Americans are snobs, arrogant and filled with imperialistic tendencies. But every utterance of their native language is a crude, sardonic rebellion aimed at pronouncing to the world that they are the last great sentinels of culture in the world.

The French are a pain in the ass! I have never fully understood the romanticized feelings many people have toward the French and their culture. They are every bit the rude, arrogant snobs they accuse Americans of being. The only reason they gave us the Statue of Liberty was that it offended the Parisian sense of esthetics at the time. Frankly I think we should turn Lady Liberty around replace her torch with a giant middle finger. We can replace the tablets cradled in her other arm with a cartoon bubble that says, “France can kiss our asses!”

The French haven’t had a real leader since Napoleon set out to conquer the world. He may have been a short man but he had the balls to back up his hubris. Imagine how World War II would have gone for them if Hitler had to meet Napoleon’s genius on the battle front.

The French are a bunch of big sissy, girls who run away at the first sign of trouble which is why they are always getting their girly, cultured little asses kicked. They are still living off the carcass of their former glory but have made no significant contribution to the modern world unless you want to consider Audrey Tautou and Francois Truffaut to be contributions. I do. I also consider Sartre and Camus to be of importance.

But as far as political leadership goes they have been electing bigger clowns then we have from Charles De Gaulle all they way down to the former street mime they have running the country now.

Now matter how they defend themselves they can’t explain Quebec or Botswana

national identitiy, french culture, france, politics

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