The Love Religion (An anti-poem)

May 06, 2007 12:58

The way you make love
is the way God will be with you

(Said to be Rumi's version of the Golden Rule)

I am embracing a new religion.
The Love Religion.
If God is love as scripture says...
If God is all there is as many mystics say...
Then Love is all there is.
Love is the one true reality
Anything else is simply self-imposed limitation
& human frailty.

Fear has been my response to life
I have covered my eyes and stumbled about my rooms blindly.
Today I decide for Love...Love for the sake of Love.
I open my heart and remove all blockages.
I let love flow from its deep, original source.

Overcome by the spirit
Discernment becomes my friend.
I am capable of making sound decisions for my life
without condeming the decisions made by you.

In the name of Love 
my religion becomes a well ordered practice.
Orthodoxy slips away.
Orthopraxy becomes Love's only rule.
I embrace all religions

In the clearing
Moses, Mohammud and Jesus
play ring-around-the-rosey
until they collapse on the ground
giggling in their exhaustion.

Under the moonlight 
I see them laugh, cry and embrace each other
They are brothers in this new vision of Love
Eros & Agape 
Making love passionately.
But not urgently
They have eternity together.

I am no longer afraid of the great heights.
My Icarian fantasy is born aloft on the wings of spirit.
I drink in deeply the deep ecstasy of Love
& become intoxicated.

When my wings melt under the penetrating stare of the
unblinking Eye of God
I laugh instead of scream
as I plummet headlong toward the earth.



My rapid descent is not failure.
The fall of man is a fortunate paradox
You can't fly until you first set your feet solid upon
the earth.

There are not short cuts to God
Spirituality offers no quick get rich schemes
The process takes as long as it takes
& each precious soul is different.

The spirit loves to soar.
But the soul...
Our eternal vessel...
She loves the earth
& its deep sacred places.

In the labryinth
we solve the riddle of our existence
& in the heart of the deepest darkness
we find light.
The Poet waits patiently for us to arrive
so that he may sing to us the words of Love

In my swoon
I have found the keys to Eden resting in the mouth
of the great serpent.

I shall enter that primal garden
& live.

sufism, the love religion, mysticism, gnosticism

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