May 01, 2006 23:14
I'm really having trouble believing it's May. Really I am. It seems like a few days ago it was christmas and all that jazz and it's friggen MAY UGH where is the time going? *huffs* silly time and it's silly silliness lmfao
Is it normal to experience adrenaline crash when you haven't been pumped full of adrenaline? because I came home from school today after giving a seminar, I was nervous as hell but does that mean adrenaline rush? who knows. But I got home and just crashed in bed and couldn't do anything about it. My body does weird things. *scratches head*
And I totally met my great uncle for the first time today. He's some kind of Slovanian type person but he's been living in Australia for god knows how long now, and he seems really, really cool. He's here for a month so I'm looking forward to hanging out with him :D
and uh, omg it's May? I love how my posts are getting more and more pointless as we go along. Yay!! :D
[Edit] 220th post, holy crap!