on Axl.

Mar 31, 2016 23:04

I'm talking to text into my phone right now so this is probably going to seem very disjointed as I'm not using any commas or periods or what have you...

Axl was born March 29th 2016 at 3:12 in the afternoon. I was in labor approximately 8 hours. He was seven pounds, 5.9 ounces 20 and 1/4 inches long. With an incredibly full head of hair... and I have no idea where he got that full head of hair at!

Labor started at 8 o'clock in the morning when they broke my water. I was at a 4 and 70% during that time. I quickly went from a 5, to 5-6 and that's when they asked me if I wanted my epidural. Of course I said yes. But the epidural did not help at all and I might as well just had him going blind with no pain medication whatsoever. The epidural stopped at 7. And I went from 7 to to a ten, fully dilated in 15 minutes. It was not fun. I remember screaming "get him out, I want him out of me right now". Apparently I gave Roy one hell of a headache. I remember touching his full head of hair, and thinking to myself "where in the world did he get all of that?" He was a champ right afterwards, getting him to nurse... that he did for me quite a bit so I was happy about that. Then I found out that I wasn't going to have my tubal surgery until the very next morning at 9 o'clock. which was okay with me. Dr. Holmes came in the very next morning at 6:30, and they went ahead and did his circumcision.

At approximately 8:30 they came and got me for my tubal surgery and I had no idea what the heck was I was even thinking about expecting. I know that it was scary, because I had to once again put another needle in my spine and I really don't like needles! Shortly after they gave me a spinal block I lay down, they took my glasses off my face, then they put oxygen on me and gave me some medication- and knocked me out. I had no idea what the heck was going on. All I remember disjointedly, was waking up about half an hour later- maybe a little bit more- and realizing "oh well that was quick" and "where am I?" It turns out I was only in surgery for about 15 minutes. I didn't realize it during the surgery they pump you full of air. So needless to say I've been in agonizing pain for the last day and a half trying to get rid of all this gas and air in my system. I was not able to sleep a lot last night because it seems like every hour I would wake up with what felt like a horse on my chest. I wake up gasping for breath because of the gas on top of my lungs and I just remember screaming as I could, "I can't breathe I can't breathe", flailing around sitting up and trying to get rid of this pain. Today's been somewhat better. I've been able to eat, theyve taken the catheter out, the IV out- and I was actually able to shower. But I still have been in a lot of pain due to the gas, which thankfully has been subsiding. Drinking hot tea and moving around has really helped out too. Plus also I've been holding Axl, and walking around the room trying to feed him, and making sure that he is comfortable. Which doesn't necessarily mean that I'm comfortable- but at least he is comfortable.

Chandra and her daughters came to see me and Axl earlier today too. The girls really didn't know what to think other than the fact that he is really cute, and has a ton of hair, and they all want one now. They all said that Axl has his daddy's nose and ears. But he has my toes, no denying that!

I will be getting two more doses of regulan. One at midnight, and the other at 6 tomorrow morning. Which pretty much means no sleep for me, as regulan is what helps the gas get out. So for right now, i am going to try and relax, as much as Axl (and my body) will let me.

patience issues, changes, stress, baby, family, priorities, happy, new beginnings, axl, awesome, inconvenience, grateful

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