april fool's early.

Mar 24, 2016 23:15

This morning after I woke up at 1:30 from being hot and uncomfortable I was up. Pacing, sitting down, standing up, trying to lay down, etc for over an hour. I don't even know how I managed to journal this morning, but I did... My contractions got harder, closer together- and finally, at 3 AM, they'd been 5 min together, 1 min long, for 1 hour. So I woke Roy up, called the necessary people I needed to call (or text) and Roy and I went to the hospital. I could barely walk for discomfort, I could barely talk through them when I had them.

And then they put me on the monitors, and my body decided it was time to end it's little early April Fools joke, and the contractions went to 10 min apart, 30 seconds long... and quit altogether at 5:30 AM.

I was disgusted.

The nurse kept offering me Tylenol. No, no thank you. I don't really like taking drugs during my pregnancy. She kept insisting they were safe. OK, I know that. But what good are the contractions really doing, if they aren't being able to do what they were made to do? And I know I don't have a pain tolerance.

I was released at 6 AM. Came home. Took a Tylenol- not that extra strength stuff- and went to bed. I slept until 10:30, had an early lunch. Took another Tylenol at 12:30. Chatted with one of my friends about prodromal labor, and came to realize that's exactly what I've been going through for the last two and a half weeks. Contractions that start up, leave me in pain to where I can't walk or talk, and then drop off an hour and a half to two hours later with nothing. Oh, and still having discharge. Not that that really mattered much, according to the nurse this morning. *sigh*

So I guess I'll be asking Beau about this on Monday as well. Unless I can get a hold of her tomorrow through her nurse, because I know she will be there. And I know she's on call tomorrow as well. Kind of comforting.

I've been dozing off and on all day, so I'm mostly wide awake right now. I can't really sleep for thinking. I'm tired of reading- this is weird, for me, trust me- and tomorrow Roy and I are picking up the girls, contrary to my ex husband's protests. Roy and I haven't seen them since last Weds. I demand time with the girls, too. I demand quality time with them, and will spend as much time as I can with them during the next couple of days of them being home before school resumes Monday morning. We will make cookies, dye eggs and cut and glue the crap out of construction paper with no rhyme or reason. I really miss my daughters. The house has been way too empty and quiet for far too long. And I suppose it'll give me something else to do other than sit on my butt and read or whatnot all day. Roy wanted to go fishing this weekend, well that isn't happening. It's suppose to be cold and nasty all weekend, but at least the girls will be home.

Roy and I watched a Denzel Washington movie today called Deja Vu. Neither of us had saw it before, and I didn't know quite what to think about it at first. But I really enjoyed it, and was doubly glad it had a happy ending to it. Of course, tomorrow I'll be mostly watching Bubble Guppies, Peppa Pig, Dora and possibly Monster High with the girls, but that's OK too.

I still haven't been contacted by WFHM's home preservation specialist. The person who's actually in charge of the case, I was told the other day, would be contacting me 'for sure within 24-48 hours'. Um OK so that was Weds. I'm guessing he won't call me until tomorrow, and even then, it's a moot point because I've already said what I've been planning on doing and plan to act on it. Also it's a moot point because I already have the list of things that I need to do to act on it. So why call me and continue to beat a 'dead horse'? Probably because they have nothing else better to do.

Speaking of phone calls, I got a seemingly really weird one out of the blue from my bank today. Weird because they never call me unless something is going on with my checking account concerning fraud. The lady quickly put me at ease, and then asked me if I'd received my new debit card with the chip in it. Yeah- about two weeks ago. I'd put it in my purse after I got it. She asked me why I hadn't activated it... Probably because my old debit card didn't expire until 2/17, and I didn't really see the need to activate a new card when my old one was still good until next year? And then she tells me that my old card would be deactivated on the 30th of this month, so I really needed to activate my new one ASAP. I told her that I didn't care for the chip in it, and it really seemed like more hassle than what it was worth. (Roy even has issues with his credit card with the chip in it at the store.) She went through her spiel about how it was 'safer' and 'more convenient' and 'crypted' etc. Personally, the chip in my book is just another way of control- and it may even be the beginning of the Mark, but I didn't tell her that. I simply said I'd go ahead and activate the stupid thing and cut up my old one. My bank has left me little choice on that one- I had to activate it or if I didn't I wouldn't be able to pay the bills after Axl had arrived.

People keep asking me if I've had Axl yet.


At this point, I'm seriously thinking about asking Beau if there is any way she can induce me April 1st...

patience issues, changes, daughters, baby, family, priorities, drama, future, 3rd trimester, hot buttons, reading, inconvenience

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