growing up/class clown/hot button mess.

Apr 18, 2015 10:43

I feel that I've started finally growing up mentally over the last couple weeks. Giving up the childish anxiety, the whole 'what-ifs', the childish whining rants. It's been refreshing to stop and think things over before actually rushing through them.

I knew this was true, when I didn't freak out or cry over Breane on his due date Thursday. My son will always carry a place in my heart, just like his older sister and younger brother. And of course, fishing helped too. Fishing is my mental get-away. I could go and fish and camp for weeks on end, if I really wanted to now. It helps me unplug from the city. Of course, I can't totally unplug from mechanics, as I have to have my cell phone with me just in case someone grew a set and became a father rather than just leaving it all to chance, and dealing with the consequences later. But that's another story, for another time.

I woke up about 5:30 this morning to Smokey yowling his fool head off to go outside. Well, there goes the shampooing I gave that little twit a couple days ago. Smokey's a long-haired cat, and needs frequent brushing and baths, otherwise he'll smell like Eau de Cat Piss all over and have mats in his fur. He doesn't like it, puts up with it, but he knows it's for the best. At least I can bathe him and not end up with him standing in the middle of my back clawed from hell to breakfast like Sam does. Sam's another story. Fortunately, he hasn't needed a bath in a while. But flea season's coming up. And of course, that means flea dip time. *sigh*

About 6 AM, it started hailing. And I don't mean just hail. I mean it sounded like it was doing some serious damage out there, and as our bedroom is mostly windows... I was afraid something was going to get broken, as hard as the hail was hitting. Eventually, I heard Roy get up. Then he woke me about 8:30, set some coffee down for me made just the way I like it (2 creamers 1 sugar, blonde and sweet, like him most days). He said he didn't want me to yell at him for letting me sleep in when I have a crap ton of homework to do. Well... and now, of course, here I am, having done one chapter in Sm Business, and procrastination. Yay. *chuckles* He told me that he needed me to be fully awake so that I could circle the A instead of the number 18 like I'd done on my Sm Business midterm. To which, I'd promptly showed him that I had circled the A on number 15 of chapter 9 in Sm Business, and even wrote Ms. Frencken a note: "Look, I circled the A!" *chuckles* It's a huge in-class joke now. I guess the girls and two guys in my classes think I'm the class clown or something. I honestly don't mind.

I miss my girls. Phillip majorly pushed my one serious hot button last night: Zerrin screamed at me and Roy last night that she didn't want to go with her father. And then, of course, Phillip asked her "What's the matter, Zerrin?"

Okay. Here's where I step back, take a breath, look at him like he's the biggest dumbass ever, and say "Did you not hear what she said. She said she doesn't want to go with you."

"I know that, I was just trying to distract her."

Seriously? Zerrin is three. She is NOT stupid. She knows her own mind. She is going through the horrible threes right now, she had passed right through the terrible twos. She is moody and overly sensitive and starting to get really mouthy, but nowhere near as bad acting out as Xylia does. Roy actually had to say Z's full name a couple days ago and threaten to take away her favorite TV show (right now, it's Go Diego Go) because she wouldn't quit throwing a temper tantrum and being a snotty little boss. Well, that was all she wrote, because she cleared that mess up right quick.

I miss my little Bear. I miss my little Bug.

I have homework to do.

changes, daughters, family, drama, fishing, class, xylia, miscarriage (breane cerys), attitude adjustment, happy, priorities, zerrin, phillip, pets, roy, bullshit

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