stupid crazy. smh. really.

Jan 20, 2015 13:20

So yesterday afternoon, I finished my homework, after talking to my friends from class about why #17-19 was not found in the book...I just skipped those. I'll talk to Frenchen about that today in class.

I laid down for a nap about 12:30...woke up to DFS at my front door, for an investigation, about 2:30-ish.

Are you fucking kidding me.

Remember, how I said I can't trust my ex? I had a bad feeling about him being 'nice'? Well...guess what the allegations were, brought up against Roy and I?

-Medical abuse.
-Torture devices being used on girls for their handicaps.
-Abuse of alcohol. Constantly drunk. Doesn't matter what time of day.
-Domestic violence in September.
-Bruises from head to toe, spankings, scrapes on backs, etc.
-Kids not dressed in 'proper' clothes for weather.

The cops were at our front door because the allegation of 'medical abuse' was that we were using only one syringe for the girls' medications. Nevermind the fact that the syringe is an ORAL one, and they didn't specify ORAL or NEEDLE. So for all that DFS knew, we were sending a NEEDLE for two medications. SMDH. Really.

The 'torture' devices are the girls' AFO braces. Xy uses them, it has helped her walking. We stopped using them for Zerrin, because it's actually hindered her walking and made the pidgeon-toed worse when she has them on.

DFS wasn't told what kind of handicap the girls have, just that they were in 'major danger' because they were being 'abused'. WTF. I had to explain everything. The last time DFS was out to our house was because Roy allegedly beat the shit out of the kids with a flyswatter.

A flyswatter? SMH. PLEASE. Neither of us knew where the damn things were! And I would never use one of those things on my kids anyway. Holy. Crap.

As for drinking? Hell, Roy drinks around the kids, when I am home. And I don't drink around the kids, hell I don't drink all that often anyway because of my blood sugar. And as for the 'domestic violence' in Sept? Don't make me laugh. Phil showed up to a Donuts with Dad thing at Xy's kindergarten, and Roy had already made plans to be there. Phil showed up, nothing was said, nothing was done, Roy left rather than start an altercation.

Kids are kids! They get dirty, they get bumps and bruises and scrapes! They fall! It happens! And as for 'appropriate' weather, it's because he and his family don't want to take the time to put coats on them when they show up early.

smdh. It's OK. God's got this. He has protected my family and I, and He will continue to go so, by His Grace.

dfs, daughters, phillip, atty, roy, bullshit

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