1. Bow to the Queen of Geekdom! I have now turned my old laptop into a media player -- plugged it into my stereo system and hooked it up to my fileserver (where my music lives).. and ... cool tunes! Which is especially cool when you consider that it's a 300 mhz laptop. Call me the microprocessor recycler.
2. I started off the long weekend on a bad note -- was called by a FRANTIC PSYCHO who accuses me of being a NAZI because I won't allow him to smuggle his magic juju juice. He's complained to every person in Agency of Nannies up and down the pacific seaboard, plus numerous hapless individuals in the Department of Insecurity. My boss is annoyed with him, as is my boss's boss; and his actions are crossing the line into harassment. How many times can one say "no"? And when will he ever stop calling? He wants to live forever, you see. His magic juju juice will make it so. Anyway, I hung up on him. My immediate thought was, 'boss will back me up' and then my second thought was 'what about boss's boss and on up? Would they feel I should not have hung up on the Lunatic Fringe?'. Sigh. I now have a whole long weekend to worry about it.
3. Saw "Walk the Line" finally. Very good movie! Except for one thing - they forgot my beloved Statler Brothers, who were with Johnny and June Carter from 1964 to 1972.
4. I am a member of the 'cellar club' for several winemakers in California's Central Coast. Lovely area, wonderful wines. However. Ever since the movie "Sideways" came out, everyone wants to make Pinot Noir. Every single wine shipment I receive has Pinot Noir in it. I have a CASE or more of assorted Pinot Noir. Why oh why can't they send me a nice merlot or cab? What about that barbera I liked so much? What if I don't WANT trendy wine? Hmmm?
ETA: 5. I had absolutely nothing to do with HP fandom, but as someone familiar with fandom in general, the Saga of the Sockpuppets holds a compelling fascination. Seems that the puppeteer is back and fighting to reclaim her good name. It just keeps coming back, like a... like a
Bad Penny.