Jan 09, 2006 00:12
So since I can't focus anyway, I am going to stop trying to focus on homework. I would make eggs, but it's 12:15 AM. I need to go to bed. So all I will say:
I'm not even going to try to be not pissed off about Heritage Christian winning, because I am pissed off. We all put a shitload of work into APPSE. It was one of the few things that I felt was a worthwhile use of my time. Now that we lost State, there is no definite plan for second semester. We have no goal. I am worried.
Secondly, Lester Bangs is an awesome rock journalist. I wonder when Cmeyla will get pissed off at me for always doing projects on gonzo journalists. Ah well.
Thirdly, Barb Abler is the absolute value of absurdity.
It's the strangest feeling. My grip on the world is so insubstantial, and I am strangely apathetic about most things, and pissed off/really upset about the rest of them.