I went to my first premiere last night. Now, it wasn’t in Hollywood or anything of that sort. It was only in Louisville, KY but still it was my first and I had a blast. I saw The Hobbit.
My friend and I planned a “date” months in advance. She went before Thanksgiving to buy our tickets for the midnight showing. We went to supper, Half Priced Books and Mejier beforehand to kill time. We got to the theater at 10:45, ready to stand in line but to our surprise they were already seating when we went in. So we claimed our seats and settled in to wait.
I enjoyed going to the premiere. It’s always the most fun to see a movie with other people who enjoy the same thing. Though, admittedly, the clapping and cheering gets on my nerves. Here comes the part where I talk about the movie, so if you don’t want spoilers. QUIT READING!
I worst thing I had heard about the movie thus far was that they used a new filming technique which apparently gave some people a headache. I could see…something to that, but it wasn’t enough to give me a headache. The biggest thing I disliked about this technique is that it felt like some of the details were lost when the camera moved too quickly. The quickness of the camera also made things a little dizzying at times.
The movie was beautiful, though the Shire didn’t look nearly as green as it had in Fellowship. I was amazed at how young they made Elijah Wood (Frodo) look. He almost looked like he did in Fellowship. Galadriel’s white dress was to die for! And Imladaris (Rivendell)… siiiiigh.
The acting by Martin Freeman (Bilbo), Ian McKellen (Gandalf), Richard Armitage (Thorin) and all the others was impressive. The actors that played Kili and Fili, dwarf twins, Aidan Turner & Dean O’Gorman are cuuuuute! I enjoyed watching their antics a lot. They reminded me a bit of Merry and Pippin.
The comedic elements were wonderful, though they may have been better because the whole theater was laughing… not just my friend and I. I could have done with a few more of those comedic moments over some of the action. The action scenes were also great but there were a few that seemed to last just a little bit too long. It could have been that it was well after the time I usually sleep and I was tired but I think they did last a bit too long.
It wasn’t just like the book. I don’t think that’s a bad thing though. I have never seen a movie based on a book that is just like the book. There are always going to be differences. My friend was most disappointed with the scene involving the trolls. That scene had always been a favorite of hers and comparatively it only lasted a couple of minutes.
My favorite part was the music. The LOTR soundtracks always enchanted me and I know this one isn’t any different.
Misty Mountains is a haunting song.
My least favorite part was the hobbit feet. They looked HUGE… like circus feet. It was just… wrong. I know their feet are supposed to be large and hairy… but this was just ridiculous.
Overall, I wasn’t overwhelmed but I wasn’t underwhelmed either. It was a good movie and I look forward to the next part of the trilogy.