Still Waiting for Summer

May 15, 2011 22:40

I'm still waiting for my summer break to start since I'm taking this hell-a-ish online class but... I got good grades for the Spring 2011 semester! :D

Final grades for the Spring 2011 semester:

Test Prep: A
Education Assessment: A
British Literature II: B
American Literature II: B

My Edu. Assessment grade should be an A. My grade is somewhere between 92%-95%. Either way it's a low A or a solid A. When I emailed my prof about it she was quite...snippy in her reply. I don't care though. It's not like it makes that big of a difference but if I got an A I want my A dangit.

I totally wasn't expecting to get out of Brit Lit with a B. That blew me away. Heck, after taking the Modern and Final exam I thought I was going to be lucky to get out with a D. But now I'm SUPER excited :D

Now if I can only do so well in my online class...

We'll see.

EDIT: I got my A in Education Assessment. My prof said, "This is not exactly how I did the grading (i.e., the quiz is part of homework); However, because you were such a good student and so close, I have changed the grade to an "A". Have a great summer!"

I just want to point out, from our class syllabus (i.e., HER Grading Procedures)

Grading Procedure: Grading for this course will follow a standard point-system scale and percentage scale that totals 100%. Final grades are based on final grades earned for quizzes, exams, participation, attendance, and other assignments. The following scale will be used to determine one’s final grade:

• Attendance/Participation/Quizzes - 100 (20%)
• Homework - 100 (30%)
• Midterm Exam - 100 (25%)
• Final Exam - 100 (25%)

But whatever. I got my A! For a final GPA of 3.5 :D

college, journal

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