Drabble: Keeping Count

Dec 07, 2010 20:31

Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Marcus/Seth
Prompt: Cold Nights
Dedication: twilightscribe


Seth sighed as he kicked the sheet off his warm body. He had been tossing and turning for hours. He had never noticed how much Marcus’ cold body cooled him down so he could sleep comfortably again.

Eventually he sat up and ran a hand through his hair. Standing he went and checked his calendar for the umpteenth time that day. ‘Ten days, six hours, four minutes and twenty-seven seconds… He thought. That was how long he had until he would see his lover again.

Seth knew his mother would complain about him opening the window so he went to the bathroom and grabbed a couple of towels. He stuffed them in the cracks above and below his bedroom door before going to the window. The moment the window was open Seth was surrounded by a gust of cold air. He breathed deep and smiled. It wasn’t the same as Marcus but for the next few days the cold night air would have to do.


‘Nine days, two hours, forty-five minutes and sixteen seconds until I see Seth again,’ Marcus thought. Until Seth had gone back to Washington and he had been required to stay in Volterra for some urgent business, it had been many years since he had realized just how cold the nights could be.

Seth always curled up by his side when sleeping, no matter where he was. The heat that blazed from the shifter warmed his freezing skin to the point where he felt alive. And it had been a long time since he had felt alive. He missed that feeling.

The night air coming through the window was warm so he shouldn’t have felt this cold. Marcus wrapped his arms around himself as he took in a deep unneeded breath. He knew it was impossible but for just a second he swore he could smell Seth… and snow.

status: complete, pairing: marcus/seth, length: drabble, media: fanfic, rating: g, fandom: twilight, slash

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