Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Jacob/Edward
Prompt: Seeing things
“Jasper! Come downstairs!”
Jasper sighed as he closed his book and laid it on the bedside table. Someone he didn’t recognize, though by the smell he knew it was a wolf, was certainly happy and in awe. The feelings brought a small smile to his lips. Heading downstairs he was greeted by Edward, Jacob and the owner of the new smell and emotions.
“Jasper,” Edward said smiling as he wrapped an arm around Jacob’s waist. “I wanted you to meet Seth, the youngest member of the La Push back.”
Jacob smiled as well and looked at Seth like he expected him to say something but the younger didn’t. Jasper met Seth’s eyes and could feel his shock. They just stared at each other. “Seth? Hey buddy, what’s… oh don’t tell me you imprinted…”
Seth blinked and shook his head. “Huh? Oh, no, I didn’t. There’s just…” He trailed off and looked back at Jasper, though now Jasper noticed that Seth’s eyes were locked on a point just over his shoulder.
“Just what?” Jacob questioned with a worried frown. “Are you seeing..?”
“Yeah,” Seth answered quietly.
“I’m sorry but I’m confused. Seeing what?” Jasper asked.
“Seth has the ability to see spirits,” Edward explained.
Jasper’s eyes widened. “And you see one now?”
Seth nodded. “You have a spirit attached to you, a girl, maybe twelve or thirteen? Long blonde hair and blue eyes.”
If his heart had still beat, Jasper knew it would have been hammering against his ribs. “Is… is she wearing a locket?”
“Yeah… and there’s… there’s…” Seth seemed to pale a little and Jasper felt a bit of fear and sadness coming from him.
“Seth? What is it buddy?” Jacob asked softly as he left Edward’s side to comfort Seth. Seth looked very shaken.
“Blood,” Seth whispered. “There’s blood on her dress.”
“Stop,” Jasper pleaded. “I don’t want to hear it.”