Aug 10, 2006 00:25
Just had to post this because it's one of those things that just chafes under the tail (no pun intended).
[NB. My use of the word 'Homosexual' is gender neutral, as it should be.]
What I'm saying is, that the gay pride parades aren't doing anything more to help the public opinion of gays and homosexuals. Now I don't have anything wrong with homosexuals, what I do have a large issue with is gays who want their own lifestyle and want to make it clear what their lifestyle is. You read gay magazines and there's things like gay versions of the olympics, gay resorts and gay cruises. What's wrong with general ones?
Just so things are clear, let me just get some things straight. You're homosexual, I have nothing against that. You're gay, go away or make clear that you're NOT a representative of homosexuals, just gays and don't seem surprised when I attack you with a fire extinguisher.
(I have a very similar issue with the men that live in South East Queensland that are really depressing my self opinion because I share a chromosome with these slimeballs of the gene-pool and I'm immediately labelled as a dumb, schovanistic male.)
The purpose of the straight pride parade is to protest the gay-pride parades and to teach those gay priders that now, they're just preaching to the choir about how good it is to be gay. The time of the gay action groups has gone, it's now time for the homosexual lobby groups to stand up and continue the fight. I think the only reason that the gay-pride groups are still around is because it's an easy opportunity to get an easy fuck........
Personally, I'm sick of it. You sleep with guys? That's fine, I don't really care, good for you, hope you and your boyfriend are happy together and that one day, this whole anti-gay marriage thing blows over. But otherwise, I don't care, you're my co-worker/ team mate et cetra. How does your being gay help with shoveling horse shit?
Yes, I'll bow down to the old-school homosexuals of the 60's, 70's and 80's and agknowledge what they did because back then, it took some real balls to not only be homosexual where the 'treatment' was electroshock therapy, but they went out in public and demanded that homosexuals be accepted. Those people did some real work. Those lobby groups protesting for equal marriage rights (because church should be separated from state) are doing real work. Those people helping young kids that are homosexual to accept themselves and help themselves through the hardest years of their life are doing real work. Those homosexuals prancing around in leather to 'it's raining men' aren't helping anyone, except giving the hate groups something to protest.
If you're gay, you're a homosexual. If you're a homsexual, you aren't neccessarily gay.
(I appologise if that came across as somewhat harsh, but that's just my opinion. I'm sick of seeing homosexual people predudiced against, because others who share their sexuality want to prance around and demand the right to do stuff the hetrosexual people can't do.)
Nuff said.