May 15, 2006 21:39
Okay. I'm sick of those whimpy questionares that go around asking the most USELESS information like your 'first kiss' and this, that or the other, so in order to combat these whimpy questionares, here comes the infamous AVANTI HALFHORSE'S BIZZARE QUESTIONARE.
Now unlike other questionares, these rely on more open ended questions because the purpose is simple. Rather than looking into the squeemish side of people's lives, this questionare looks at your funnier and random side by asking you 10 questions (plus another) that's purpose is to make other people either laugh or wonder how they didn't see this side before, so here we go:
(For simplicity, this is the example questionare, so copy and paste this)
1.) Answer all the questions as honestly as you can, so no hiding your weird side.
2.) Don't change the questions 1 thru 10 (question 11 is the exception (separate rules for that one).)
3.) Once you have answered your 11 questions, paste questions 1 thru 10 underneath (minus your answers), making sure you remove your question 11 and then write your own question 11, making sure the question is weird (but not sick, weirdness does not equal sick).
4.) Paste the rules on as well.
Question 1:
What is your random word or phrase at the moment? (As in, what word is your favourite random word at the moment.)
Question 2:
What what your previous random word or phrase?
Question 3:
Fill in the blank in the example with a random object or item of your choice.
Example: Damnit, I've lost my .
Question 4:
What's the first word you look up when you pick up a dictionary?
Question 5:
If you could play the world's biggest practical joke, what would it be?
Question 6:
Tell your favourite joke.
Question 7:
What random thing makes you laugh?
Question 8:
Give your favourite funny quote from a movie, comic or book.
Question 9:
What was the last thing you laughed at (as in, give the joke)?
Question 10:
What is your favourite one liner?
Question 11 (remember, this one changes):
(Free question)
(Stop copying here)
Well here are my questions (with my own question 11 since I'm not taking this from anyone).
1.) Answer all the questions as honestly as you can, so no hiding your weird side.
2.) Don't change the questions 1 thru 10 (question 11 is the exception (separate rules for that one).)
3.) Once you have answered your 11 questions, paste questions 1 thru 10 underneath (minus your answers), making sure you remove your question 11 and then write your own question 11, making sure the question is weird (but not sick, weirdness does not equal sick).
4.) Paste the rules on as well.
Question 1:
What is your random word or phrase at the moment? (As in, what word is your favourite random word at the moment.)
Question 2:
What what your previous random word or phrase?
Question 3:
Fill in the blank in the example with a random object or item of your choice.
Example: Damnit, I've lost my .
Damnit, I've lost my PINK UNICORNS!
Question 4:
What's the first word you look up when you pick up a dictionary?
Question 5:
If you could play the world's biggest practical joke, what would it be?
Shift the worlds calenders forward a day on April Fools, so everyone thinks its the 2nd.
Question 6:
Tell your favourite joke.
I was feeling invisible the other day, so I went to my psychologist, but they said they couldn't see me, so I went to another psychologist and as I walked through the door, they jumped up and shouted, "I CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOU!"
Somwhat shocked, I asked. "How did you know?"
"Because I can see right through you!"
Question 7:
What random thing makes you laugh?
Horses breeding (just funny to watch).
Question 8:
Give your favourite funny quote from a movie, comic or book.
"And close the Pony's mouth - he's Flehming again." From Roomies.
Question 9:
What was the last thing you laughed at (as in, give the joke)?
My sister saying that my mother is 'Keeping it real for the peeps."
Question 10:
What is your favourite one liner?
Question 11 (remember, this one changes):
What was your last 'Oh shi....' moment?
Unreal tournament 2004, Redeemer missile.
My question for the next person:
What is your most embarassing moment?
avanti being stupid