BLEACH [1 - 55]
D.gray man [56 - 73]
Fairy Tail [74 - 86]
DOGS: bullets and carnage [87 - 97]
Sengoku Basara (just Date, really ♥) [98 - 103]
FMA [104 - 112]
Hakuoki [113 - 124]
DRRR! (my Izaya bias D: Forgive eet~) [125 - 137]
CLAMP/CodeGeass [138 - 164]
Macross Frontier [165 - 174]
MISC [175 - 184]
SHOJO [185 - 215]
MORE MISC =D (Bones, FF, HIMYM, Merlin,
Read more... )
may i..?
i wish you want coloring and make some icon from this pick >_<
Thank you for liking the icons and enjoy them please <33
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