i can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel! :D almost almost almost! ahhh the itchy feeling of ALMOST being there. 4 papers down, 1 more to go. monday - I WILL BE CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES, removed of all burdens, restored as a normal functioning human being without a sick love affair with the library, installed with a new dose (hopefully a long lasting one!) of PURE UNADULTERATED GLEE, as i slip into a pair of ultra short shorts (um hi mom, if not now, then when?), put on that oh-so-pretentious pair of shades, and move towards the nearest topshop (ok and more...), unreservedly, soaking up this summer heat.
right now i prefer not to think about how i've done, which tend to stir up acute feelings of regret and stupidity in my small small fragile heart. also, i haven't got any reserve for the last paper: if there's just this little dribble of motivation left, i'd wringgggg my towel dry - but i'm already dry :( my heart (okay okay i know it's brain, but sometimes i can't be all that medically accurate) has already fluttered out of the window hehe. soon it will be time to evacuate some of those ridiculous facts (oh phaechromocytoma, i really don't like you that much?), and replace it with some friends, some love, some appreciation of life. studying for exams has certainly put an ugly dent on my social life. (and i know fully well that this will be a cyclical occurence; perhaps it's hardly surprising that medics often 'inbreed"?!)
so i'll be off to dimsumland! and gamblingland! and counterfeitgoodsland! hello stranger. hello lover. it's been way too long!!! (my abs > urs hehehe)
oh and thereafter to HARVARDLAND! (as a dodgy faker, obv.)
it's actually rather disturbing, that i never had that fevour for london? perhaps it's just the inevitable neglect of the things closest to you? or is it the fact that this city is too surgically attached to the task of study, to the "IT'S BIZNAZZ DON'T TALK TO ME AND WASTE MY TIME" attitude, to the solemn gravity of painting a (decent) picture for my future? i don't know, and probably have no neurones to spare now for the analysis of such questions.
that being said, i've been giving quite a lot of thought to the 'meaning of life' as of late. as an atheist. will do a post on that when my mind is more ready for philosophizing, next week, in due time.
oh, and i'm genuinely puzzled at what on earth drove me to set up a twitter account. and actually updating it like it matters. hmm.
i want this.
and this,
and one of these, for starters.