Oct 17, 2012 15:58
Organic halides are very important sources of organic reactions. In the modern world we have found out that organic reactions can never occur easily. they are generally motivated out of their way. their motivation may be either electron gainign tendency or electron leaving tendency.
The mechanism for an Sn2 reaction is as follows.
in case of sn2 reaction it is found that the attacking nucleophile attacks from the back side. The general leaving group is a heavy bulky group. This leads to an inversion in configuration. This inversion in configuration often leads to change in the charecteristic of the compound. Another important concept to read about is the process of leaving.
The grooup which leaves the compound doesn't destabilizes the compound but it resukts in a better functioning an dreaction.
The transition state is also an important concept in the chemical reaction. In case of transition state it is found that the reaction occursand simultaneously energy changes happens. In case of energy changes a lot of energy is required for the reactant to convert into product, After it converts in to product it is found that the energy activation reaction takes a gradual dip. This dip is because the reaction is generally slowing down and is taking a slow path.
While in case of sn2 reaction inversion of configuration takes place, the same can't be said for sn1 reaction. In this mechanism reaction it is often found that the nucleophile takes the position of the leaving group. The leaving group also often leads to a gradual slow down of the reaction.. The sn1 reaction has a normal stereochemistry. They generally don't get tooo involved in complex xhemical reaction or calculation.
Another imporatnt part of this into reaction is tendency of a carbocation to leave. carbocation are very useful in understanding the concept of reaction tendecies. Carbocation which have more number of hydrogen atoms are more stable as compared to less stable hydrogen atom. Another imporatnat reaction is one of cchemical solvolysis.
The solvolysis process is also widely used as it is similar to hydrolysis . in hydrolysis we find water breaking down into its constituents.
these important concepts often result in better understanding of organic chemistry till nucleophilic substitution reaction.
Thank you.