new update

Oct 31, 2005 21:02

ok so here in lovely murayama japan it is currently around 40 degrees celsius!!! brrr jesus christ its crazy, one day its like in the eighties and then it just dropped!!! anyway, it was even colder yesterday, and i was sitting in the library when this bell goes off and the librarian tells me to go outrside, when i asked her why she said ``dont take off your indoor shoes, just go outside in them`` im like ok wtf? dont tell me then!!! so i get outside and all these girls i know rush up to me and are all like run heather run!!! so we did and i had no clue whre we were going. so we ended up behind the school in this huge dirt feild, and it was funny because i guess my class had been running around trying to find me and when they saw me they all started cheering. anyway, it was really weird and when i asked what was going on all they said was fire. finally my enlish teacher saw me and explained that we were having a fire drill. of course we were all in our pe uniforms cause pe was the class right before, and let me tell you, those things are THIN!! so we were out there for an hour but it was all worth it because they made this HUGE bonfires with gasoline and let them spread over like t5he entire feild and then we got to run around with fire exstinguishers and put them out!! i dont know how thatll help us in a real fire, but it was pretty cool!! and thats about the only thing thats really happened recently, so when something new happens i`ll post.

much love]heather
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