If you follow our
twitter account you're aware that we've been out of town dealing with a family emergency. Which means we've been having packages pile up for over a week now. Today I went through them and found quite a surprise. In a lot of random sailor Moon Stuff we got a boxed Moon Cycle. If you're unfamiliar with the craziness that is the moon cycle, here's the front of the one I was examining today.
Sure the moon Cycle is a completely ridiculous item, but it's not something we're unfamiliar with as a matter of fact we already have 2 in our collection. They're essential for the
Senshi Race Competitions. Besides I knew it was a part of the lot we purchased. So there's more to this surprise than half baked marketing ploys.
So in any case I picked up the box and noticed it was rattling, I didn't see anything from the front that Should be rattling so I flipped it over.
Pulled out the tray...and what's that sitting in the plastic tray of a child's toy from the mid-nineties?
Why it's a Bunch of expired condoms, and a few empty condom wrappers.
Yes, friends, there's the surprise. They've been sitting there for awhile as the expiration date in in 00..Seriously....WTF. I'm kind of at a loss now though, do I email the seller and complain or just let go? If I let it go what do I do with the moon cycle? I'm not sure I can look at it/sell* it in good conscience now.
*For the record the one we
currently have in the shop is a totally different non-condom holding moon cycle.