I've got this bit of prose stuck in my head, "There was blood in her mouth, she hoped it was her own," and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it, but it needed to be written down. Does anyone else get those snippets? Things that won't let off till you get them to paper/Word?
I purchased a new(er) car this weekend. I'm not thrilled at the prospect of car payments, but the Cavalier was starting to me make worry when it came to long trips. She lasted a good 13 years with me and we went on many a roadtrip to Disney together. It helps to live in Florida. ;) Though she did make it to New Orleans and back as
azraelz_angel can attest. The little engine that could, that car. This Sentra has some big shoes to fill, but I've got faith she'll do just fine.
And now back to writing. I have a tamingthemuse prompt to complete and a bigbang to work on.
Happy Tuesday!