So I’ve rediscovered an old BtVS/SPN fic that’s currently tickling my muse so I’m tentatively hopeful to work on something other than the
tamingthemuse prompts. I’m not pushing myself though so it might be a slow going, but it’s going which is leaps and bounds ahead of where I use to be.
I’ve taken a page outta
kaylashay’s book and started keeping track of my process. It’s kinda invigorating to know just how many words I’ve written/posted. I’m only counting posted words at this point in the process to give myself just an extra incentive to get things finished and up.
January Word Count - 4800
It’s a decent start since I’m not sure I wrote 4800 words total last year and I’m already nearly half that for the month of February. So hopefully my unwritten goal of writing a little more each month stays on track. :)
Wish me luck!