Now push your sitting bones into the sky...

Mar 16, 2004 00:17

More Yoga. Yep. Dont ask me why it's Midnight and NOW i'm motivated to to it, but I guess it's better than not doing any at all. Even after just a week my body feels different. I definately have gained some balance. And I can do a few more push ups that before. I am still feeling a little sore, but I feel healthier and a little more up. Indian food would complete this picture perfectly, but alas, it's too late and all the curry has gone to bed. Drat.

I had a random surprise henna appointment today which was lovely. Now I can pay for insurance. Excellent. The girl was really nice and I think she'll be back for more. I entertained them with MST3K shorts and we laughed at the utter scariness of the 50's. and of course the pointy rocket boob look that was all the rage then. Frightening.
I also had proof today that in fact my short term memory is not entirely gone...I remembered to return the videos to the library on time. This weeks selection: More MST3K, other Yoga video, Life of Brian, Orchid Delerium(yes I know you might think it's boring to watch a show about orchids, but I am a long time grower and lover) and a few more I cant remember!! heehee

Last week looking thru the City Weekly I came across an article about a new art space that had opened. Then I recognise the guy in the photo...his name is Jared Wiberg and I knew him 10 years ago when I lived in Logan! I havent talked to him or his wife Betsy for years! He was the best man at my wedding( he's actually an old missionary comp. of my X husband's) So this week I'm gonna drop in there and say hi. This sighting of him also reminded me of the big crush I had on his brother Jason. I'll have to find out what he's up to. ...maybe he's still single...I doubt it because he was so beautiful. I will find out! So this is my adventure for the week.

Back to being a cleaning wench tomorrow. Spring cleaning is especially gratifying, even if it is someone else's house!

Now for one more of those Q & A deals we alll love so much...and I am really awake and restless...

10 favorite songs (no real order )
1. Night of the Swallow- Kate Bush
2. Warm Shimmering and Bright- Bel Canto
3. My beloved wife- Natalie Merchant
4. Siren- Tori Amos
5. Silver Waterfalls-Siouxsie
6. Mercy Seat- NIck Cave
7. Hang your teeth upon my door-16 Horsepower
8. Mr. Disco- New order
9. Subway-Peter Murphy
10. Amrita- Grooveberry Jam

9 favorite things
1. Dancing (dance floor, hula hoops, fire, etc)
2. Love
3. Music
4. the Moon
5. Talula
6. Henna
7. grave yards
8. chocolate
9. Black Rock City

8 least favorite things
1. Lies /Heartbreak ...3 of Swords
2. Talula breaking
3. raw tomatoes
4. self righteous religious types
5. shoes
6. crowded dancefloors with bad music
7. this bizarre reality of capitalism,greed, possesions and patriarchy
8. Losing people I love

7 things you can't do
1. drive Talula to England
2. Fly
3. stay in school
4. work for Tyrants or ego maniacs
5. play chess
6. walk on stilts by myself
7. find a date!

6 things you've never done before
1. killed someone
2. robbed a bank
3. driven a semi truck
4. trapeze swinging
5. sword swallowing
6. crack

5 bands you adore
1. Led Zeppelin
2. the Doors
3. Pink Floyd
4. Dream Academy
5. Dead can Dance

4 things you don't have but wish you did
1. trust fund or money tree
2. more tattoos
3. someone to sleep with occasionally
4. a peacock ( later, it can live on my farm in Glastonbury.)

3 things you can't live without
1. music
2. water
3. sunshine

2 of your favorite imperfections
1. my ability to hide
2. letting things go

the only thing you would die for: Love

[ Current Clothes ]: sarong and bra
[ Current Mood ]: breakfst
[ Current Music ]: "Always look on the bright side of life..."
[ Current Taste ]: listerine
[ Current Make-up ]: none
[ Current Hair ]: not bad actually
[ Current Annoyance ]: lack of direction
[ Current Smell ]: Vetiver and pomegranate
[ Current Favorite Group ]: Siouxsie
[ Current Refreshment ]: water

[ You Touched ]: Shave Deeply(Dave)
[You Talked to ]: Adam
[ You Hugged ]: Brett
[ You Instant messaged ]: dont do it
[ You Kissed ]: nobody
[ Food ]: Indian
[ Drink ]: coconut rum, like a good pirate wench!
[ Color ]: Black
[ Album ]: too many
[ Shoes ]: as if
[ Candy ]: chocolate in any form
[ Animal ]: elephants, dolphins, ferrets and monkeys
[ TV Show ]: Queer eye's so funny
[ Movie ]: Holy Smoke
[ Dance ]: my own
[ Vegetable ]: Squashes and Zucchini
[ Fruit ]: apple
[ Understanding ]: mostly, yeah
[ Open-minded ]: Yes
[ Arrogant ]: usually not
[ Insecure ]: yep
[ Interesting ]: I am into some pretty strange stuff...I'll say yes
[ Random ]: randomly
[Hungry ]: kinda
[ Friendly ]: half and half
[ Smart ]: I not stoopid
[ Moody ]: entirely
[ Childish ]: I have my moments
[ Independent ]: YES!
[ Hard working ]: For myself or a worthy cause-absolutely. Certainly not for the MAN tho...
[ Organized ]: somewhat
[ Healthy ]: yes, and getting better
[ Emotionally Stable ]: what does THAT mean??
[ Shy ]: somewhat
[ Difficult ]: not too bad
[ Attractive ]: I have some attractive parts, it's true
[ Bored Easily ]: yep
[ Messy ]: for awhile till I cant stand it, then not.
[ Thirsty ]: usually
[ Responsible ]: mostly
[ Obsessed ]: definately
[ Angry ]: not so much. a few things set me off tho...
[ Sad ]:yes
[ Happy ]: yes
[Hyper ]: if Im excited about something,yes
[ Trusting ]: too much sometimes
[ Talkative ]: yes. and also no. depends on my current chemical cocktail
[ Kill ]: If I could kill with absolutely no reprocussions I would be hard pressed not to take out a few folks, but since I cant, I find it pointless to fantasize about. Usually!
[ Slap ]: my brother Steve and the neighbor bitch who thinks she owns the street.
[ Get Really Wasted With ]: Kevin
[ Look Like ]: Kate Winslet
[ In The Morning I Am ]: asleep
[ Love Is ]: a warm gun. Oh, wait, that's happiness...
[ I'm Afraid of ]: being powerless over my own reality
[ I Dream About ]: flying, sex, and sex while flying
-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .
[ Pictured your crush naked? : often!
[ Actually seen ur crush naked ]: no :(
[ Been in love ]: many times
[ Cried when someone died ]: wept bitterly for weeks
[ Lied ]:yes, once to a good friend and I still regret it
-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[ Coke or Pepsi ]: neither
[ Flowers or candy]: orchids lillies or something that smells good
[ Tall or short ]: Taller the better.
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do u notice first?]: eyes hands shoulders... intensity
[last person u slow danced with]: Bubba...we Tango occasionally
[worst question to ask]: What are you thinking?
-W H O-
[makes u laugh the most?]: myself
[makes you smile]: Kaz
[gives u a funny feeling when u see them]: funny in a good way: Casey in a bad way: Aimee
[who do you have a crush on?]: I doubt I will ever tell...
[has a crush on u?]: unknown, unlikely
[ easiest to talk to]: Ryan
[ hardest to talk to]: same as the crush question...
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