Apr 05, 2005 12:10
So yeah half days of school are awesome cause I get out of school wayy early and then I can go to work and get out of work wayy early.
Then I get to go to Rita's!! Props to Martin for coming with my brother and I.
Driver's Ed with Laura, Kara, and this crazy kid Mark was kinda interesting, but I'm gonna kill myself every Monday with that class.
Last night after Driver's Ed, I went out with Martin and Adam and I thought I was going to DIE in Adam's car. lol. Then we got back to Adam's house and played Halo....well lets see, I didnt have a choice to play Halo! I was nearly knocked out by a foot clamering towards my face, had my hair pulled to shit, shoved into a corner with some blonde kid sitting on my back with his knees and then bitten in the cheek. Yeah it was a good night lol
Today I dyed my hair and it's a little darker than what it was, but I like it hehe. They didnt have enough Strawberry Blonde and I didnt want it to look like shit for prom if it came out bad.
Yay for Joe and Ms. Alli Coyle getting back together - Joe didnt tell me! I told him at work that I was upset with him because he didnt tell me. :P
A great friend of mine came over today, someone that I havent seen in a long time. I think that kid is the big brother God forgot to give me. You might think that I didn't listen - but I hear every word you said.
Can you Handle it?
trieye748: "You aren't related to her, I'm sorry sir but you can't register Samantha for any classes"
"What do you mean!? I'm.... her doctor! And we had a kid at some point.. my age actually... a cool kid... ANYWAY, JUST SIGN HER UP FOR TAE KWON DO!"
::Sam and Martin on the Phone tonight::
Martin: I love how you fuck around with people, its soo funny.
Sam: LMAO, what??
Martin: Sam, its soo funny.