So last year my brother got married. He lives in San Francisco and he and his fiance Robyn, decided to get married at a beautiful vineyard in Sonoma Valley. Cathy and I went out to go to the wedding. I blogged about it here. It was in October, before the Prop 8 vote. Though we had a wedding on May 3 of last year in Ohio, we considered getting married in California while we were there for my brother's wedding. But in the end, we decided against it because we felt like we just wouldn't have the time and really didn't want to make it about us since it was his special time. We figured that we could go back this year and have the ceremony. No, it wouldn't be legal in Ohio but at least, we thought, we'd be legally married somewhere. ;>
Then Prop 8 was passed. If you don't know about Prop 8 look
here for a simple explanation.
It's so interesting to me that people seem to think that denying gay people the right to get married will deter us from being gay. I mean, I guess that's the rational. I don't get why so many heterosexual people are so threatened by gay marriage. As the saying goes, "If you don't believe in gay marriage, then don't get one and shut the fuck up!"
The other day...or maybe it was last week,
Drew Peterson was on the Today Show with his fiance. If you don't know who Drew Peterson is I'll sum it up for you. This guy is in his early 50s. He's been married, I think, 4 times. His third wife died from "forced drowing" in her own bathtub. Drew is suspected in her death. His fourth wife disappeared and has never been found. The police suspect that he murdered her. So, this guy met a young woman, 24 years old, and they have "fallen in love" and are planning to get married.
Yet, people are actually up in arms that people like me and my partner (who, by the way, has never been married before we met each other)...neither one of us has ever been in trouble with the law save a speeding ticket here or there...we both pay our taxes...we both do good works in the community (and honestly, both of us always have)...we are caring and loving. But somehow the two of us getting married is a threat to the "sanctity of marriage" but Drew Peterson has his rights fully intact. If there is a law about who should and should not be able to get married...I would think it would be to prevent an asshole like Drew Peterson from getting married again.
One of the most frustrating things about the United States is that my civil rights are easily trampled all over by stupid people.
Anyway. My sister posted the video below on her Facebook page today, so I thought I'd share it here:
Click to view
Prop 8 didn't stop us...but we would still like to go out to California and get married...or hey, here's a radical thought...we'd really like to be able to get legally married right here in Ohio.