May 24, 2007 13:50
My dr is back! YAY! I went to see her yesterday, and since I'm back to having headaches every bloody day, she gave me hydrocodone. I didn't really feel relief last night after I took it, but it made me feel very....relaxed. Limbs were all heavy and felt like I was moving through water, and I was sooo tired. My head hurt so much. I went to sleep, hubby says he didn't notice me kicking at all, slept through the night. I have a med hangover now, so am still tired, but the headache was gone when I woke up this morning! Man, I forgot what it felt like not to have a headache. So nice. I also got OMT again after months without it, and I'm sore today, but overall feel better. Got to relish it while I can cause I know it won't last long. I can already start to feel the headache in the background again trying to make an appearance, but it hasn't yet.
Feeling the way I'm feeling today....the sheer relief, I can see how someone could get hooked on hydrocodone, codiene...etc. I wonder what the methodone would have done if I had accepted it from my neurologist! LOL Now now, don't worry. I'm not going all druggy here. It's just nice not to hurt for a little while. Anyone who doesn't deal with this sort of thing on a daily basis wouldn't understand I don't think. And, of course, there are still lots of other people who are far worse off than I am.
I'm not sure if I have updated here about what the dr.'s said, so I'll go ahead....not Lupus, thank the Light, but fibromyalgia. Not the best thing in the world, but hey tons better than Lupus.
I'm off work tomorrow to get ready for my trip to GA. My friends Traveling Matt and Mini-Matt are going with us. Should be fun. I'm actually looking forward to it for once. Got all my cousin gifts...though I do need to figure out what I'm going to put them in to give them. And one of my gifts might be horribly inappropriate considering all the fires around, but hey, I thought it was cool and it seemed like something a guy would like. is an awesome site.
School is going well. 4 classes down and about 30 more to go LOL But I'm having fun. Making good grades...all A's so far. I think I really impressed my photoshop teacher. Hope I can do as well in the next class. Mom and I are taking a drawing class for a couple of weeks through the community program now. We are having a good time. I should have gone last night, but I was just feeling too pukey. Oh well. 2 more weeks of it. Then it's summer camp time. Oy....
So, I promised I would do this.....silly meme time
Leave me a comment and I will...
1) Tell you why I friended you
2) Associate you with a song/movie
3) Tell a random fact about you
4) Tell a first memory about you
5) Associate you with an animal/fruit
6) Ask something I've always wanted to know about you
7) Show you my favorite user pic of yours
8) In return, you MUST spread this disease in your LJ (unless, of course, you already are doing that)