I must admit, I do love these silly quizzes. I'm not even sure why either.
You are Slashy!Snape- you laugh in the face of Lily/Snape 'shippers. You spend most of your time angsting or plotting about getting Sirius Black, James Potter and/or Lucius Malfoy into your pants. On occasion, you can morph into Paedo!Snape because either Draco or Harry remind you of that older Long Lost Love [tm] of yours. You hide your desire/regret under a layer of obnoxious coldness. You're either, much to this quiz's horror, blindingly flirty and experience [Lubricatus!, anyone?] or puritanically sexually repressed [where's Harlot!Draco when you need him?]. However, after all the painful plot twists and u-bends, you get your man- go you.
You are most likely to do down into history for making the largest [in every way *g*] number of appearances in NC-17 smutfics. The other professors are jealous.
Which Snape are You? by
Marett Graves With artwork by
Laura Freeman