Today is a good day

May 16, 2007 16:10

So I have to admit today is a good day.

One of a string of good days.

I'm coming out of whatever slump I've been in, and kind of wondering if I don't perhaps have more than a touch of s.a.d. (as cliche as that sounds)

I just dunno. I've got a bunch of projects on my plate outside of work that are really enjoyable and that I'm having fun working on. the novel is coming along well, I'm a few chapters in and have most of the story and characters fleshed out now. And I've been writing new songs left and right, contacting some friends about studio time and am debating going into some debt to purchase an amazing new synth that will enable me to do alot of recording at home by myself.

I'm also just super stoked about England as it draws ever closer. We'll know for sure whether its Brighton or London by the end of the month.

My voice lessons are going really well lately as well, I feel like I've kind of started to find my vocal style, and I've gotten much more comfortable singing, particularly around other people, and singly loudly, which have always been my two weak points.

Well anyways time to head home now and work on some more music.

I've got some midi's of arranged songs I may post if I can find a place to host them. Granted they are midi's so the instruments will likely sound like poo, but it'll give an idea of the finished project.
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