sorry its been a while

Mar 02, 2004 00:47

Hey everyone........sorry I haven't updated in ages. I was gonna do it at school, but i ran outta time.

So anyways.....lets see....Last monday was the Ataris concert!!! It rocked! I was in the mosh pit for much of the gig....i love it when people are moshing and throwing themselves at each other.....some people actually can "dance" really well in the mosh style.......

Its less fun when the main band comes on and EVERYONE crams onto the floor like cant move. Even simply putting your hands in the air becomes a gamble of life and death. And then all of a sudden the whole mosh pit decides to move sideways.....only your feet wont move due to lack of space coz of all the other people, so you are just pushed....(at these time i grabbed hold of some big persons t-shirt and stood on a lot of people's feet)....then you are carried forwards, backwards,sideways again, and all the time people are trying to jump up and down and nod their heads. It's CRAZY.

So i managed to somehow mosh my way out of the mosh pit and I ended up standing with this guy called alana....wierd name for a dude i know. But i loved him.....he looked like Jesse from Free Willy 2...(fucking HOT) and he had a lip-ring. You know they are really starting to appeal to me providing the guy is cute and not some hardass. Anyway....I'm never gonna see him again....he lives in liecester and i didn't get his number :(

The Ataris are awsome live......and coz Rock City is a smaller place i could see their faces on TV. It was wierd! With Blink 182 you could see 3 people jumping around......but this time i could SEE it was them. It was cool. I enjoyed Blink more though.....more buzz coz it was an arena....and also i know them better!) Since that show I love blink 182....i have their latest album a lot right now.

The next eventfull thing that happened was when I was emailed by Clarendon college telling me to come for an audition....which WAS tomorrow. But they put me down to work tonight....and they only had 1 other person on bar, and no one could cover. So I rearranged my fucking audition to accomodate them....i wont be doing that again. As it happens...i get more time to practice, and i was freaking out about having to play my own accompaniment...i now have time to find someone to play for me. So it all works out for the better. I wont tell them that at work of course :P

Also my tutor at school thinks im still going, so i get the day off :D ....(yay me!....)

Tonight was really nice at work was dead....just me and roseanne on bar...and mags the landlord...caroline (catflap) door, natalie and abbie. So it was nice...we just stood around talking! We were done on bar by 11.30...and now im sitting in my bedroom, in my almost deadly silent house, broken only by the loud crunching inside my head as i munch on the meal i just made:)

So tomorrow im gonna lie in bed till im no longer tired.....(a joy!!) then im gonna go into nottingham and buy the Finding Nemo DVD from the disney store....which i have pre-ordered. Then im gonna buy some more stuff....whatever takes my fancy...and then come home...get ready....and go BACK into nottingham with my mum, Karen and her mum to see CATS! Hehe....i cant wait! That's my FAVE show!! Possibly only coz i haven't see The Lion King yet. I saw Cats twice in the West End....on a circular revolving stage in the same theatre it has played in since it opened in interested to see how they will do it on a normal stage in the Royal Concert Hall.

Amy's going out with joe (my ex). I don't think I mind.....i'm the one who broke up with there's no hard feelings. I hope we can all still go out alltogether though....
What i DID mind was that amy didnt talk to me for like a week....coz she was afraid she would hurt me. Thats understandable obviously....bless her......but i minded more about that than i did about her going out with joe.

Well....that's it for now. I feel kinda tired....but happy coz im looking foreward to tomorrow...and coz i got the second half of the Exposed vid with avril that i didnt have. A wickid girl from bandaids sent it to me over msn. I love her...she rocks. The vid is adorable.....she plays in a childrens hospital as a special treat for them.....and talks about how shocking it was and that hospitals freak her out.....and later on the dude asks her "when was the last time you cried?" She answers....."3 nights ago". First she says it was coz matt punched her in the face....then she laughs and says that she just felt really edgy with all the travelling and was having one of those "i cant take this any more" nights...(inevitable in her business, bless her) She also said that people have times when they just need to cry when they have no reason to. Then the sweet part..."it was ok....i just went into Evans room, and he hugged me and I cried and I felt better".
Isn't she sweet?

Anyway....that really is it. I love you all xxxx

Im going to bed.

P.s....someone asked me for a clean ash tray at work today...
It baffles me that people can suck the stuff into their body, knowing full well that it may kill them, or will at least cling to the insides of their lungs for the rest of their life.....but they can't look at the stuff in an ash tray......

I've therefore come to an important conclusion :-
there are people in the world who are more difficult to comprehend than i am.


Later dudes

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