Nonsensical Ages :: Dares List

Dec 03, 2004 00:00

The following dares were taken from this dare thread during the month of October and were *somehow* incorporated into my NaNo 2004 novel. I did my best to abide by them and gather as many "bonus" points as possible, but I know I twisted a few. ^_^ Nevertheless, many thanks for the intriguing dares!

1. Wizards have turned against the kings they serve and now believe that aforementioned kings are now their sworn enemy.

2. Princesses may only speak in questions.

3. Insert the character of Mr. Ian Woon in the novel.

4. Every day, take one actual event that has happened that day, either in your life or in the news, and work it into your writing for the day. - pookel

5. dare: the word of the day dare is great--but has much funner words :) try both! include each day's word in your writing that day. - messyjess

6. Make it so that the first letters of your chapter titles spell out the word 'onomatopoeia'. Just because. - Xie_Kitchin

7. Whenever you start a new chapter, go to the Word Association Thread and use the most recently posted word as the first word in the first sentence of that chapter. - Nonners

8. Include at least two lines per chapter from any Beatles song. Bonus points if it's from the Yellow Submarine. Double points if it includes lines from the movie - IE 'The blue meanies are coming!'. Triple points if this is considered a very rude profanity. - heaven is overrated

9. Use a word beginning with X at least 5 times in the story. - Flix

10. I dare you to have a character who believes, really, that they are God/Jesus/Buddha/insert spiritual figure here. Extra points if they have a delusion they are a tree :) - lainie

11. Have a character say "And thus, the universe ended" all the time. - Guardian Phoenix

12. Have one character (major/minor, you choose) have a limited vocabulary, of just 10 words. So everytime they speak, it is a combination of one or more of these 10 words. For the entire novel - no cheating and have them learn any more! - Rapunzel

13. Have someone covertly hypnotized so that that can't do some everyday activity normally. Like everytime they try to open a door they have to shout soem random phrase or something. I didn't want to get into any specifics cause I'd like to see what people do with it. anyways, PM me if you decide to accept my dare ^^ AverageEverydayAngel

14. A character who speaks only in lines from Robert Frost poems. - NinaLH

15. Have a character speak only in quotes from Shakespeare. Double points if they're only from his sonnets! Triple if they're all from ONE sonnet. - MistWeaver

16. Include a character who is the self-proclaimed 'High priest/ess of the church of Our Lady of the Non-Sequiteur' - Morigale

17. Have a location of some kind--a tavern, a club, a restaurant, a brothel, whatever--be named The Sign of the Black Cock or possibly just The Black Cock. Whether this refers to a rooster or something else is entirely up to you. - Kass Fireborn

18. Start your novel with the sentence, "This day was just like all the other days-- wet, cold, slimy, and covered with alligators." - Asuka

19. Have someone start singing the song, "We are the dateless losers," twice, at any random points throughout the story. - Lora Danners

20. Integrate the usernames of at least 3 Nanoers into your novel somehow (e.g. lines of dialogue, building names, road signs, chapter titles, random bits of graffiti that character happen to pass). - MadnessIsAVirtue

21. Pick a song: use its title for the chapter title, and have a character (or several, but preferably only one) use all of its lyrics in things they say throughout the chapter. - Nonners

22. Have your main character get stuck in an elevator, and devote an entire chapter to this. Even if elvators don't normally exist in your novel's world. - Sumeragi

23. Insert line "It's against my programming to impersonate a deity" (bonus if it's not a robot that says it) - Xie_Kitchin

24. Include the Pythagorean Theorem being disproven by Man Eating Busty Pirate Lesbian Cabbages. - Lady C

25. Include this dialogue:
"I'm a twit."
"No, an enthralling novo."
lol, it doesnt make much sense but..... its an anagram of national novel writing month. hehehe - emjay

26. Include a battle between the moon and the sun, who vie for the earth's attention when the moon refuses to go down and let the sun come up. Bonus points if this is the climax of your novel. More bonus points if this is the cataclysmic event that the hero has to stop. - WillowNocturne

27. Center an entire scene around the song "99 Bottles Of The Non-Alcoholic Beverage Of Your Choice On The Wall." It must go all the way to "No more bottles of the non-alcoholic beverage of your choice on the wall," without skipping. Bonus points if your characters sing it more than once (I did this last year, in my most shameless padding to date). - Caia Marie

28. Have a pink penguin skaing past the main character as he is talking. Bonus points if the penguin helps his/her/it's quest in some way. Double bonus points if the character is in the depths of hell or the sahara desert at the time. - Galadriel1010

29. Have your best friend or idol make a cameo appearence killing or trying to kill a main character with a cactus imported from Spain just for that purpose.(are there cacti in Spain? oh well!) - MicheleH

30. Involve a moat somehwre in the story in a place that doesnt make sense. Like, around a doghouse or something. Bonus points if there are sharks living in it - Muskawo

31. Incorporate the line, "If you stick that thing in me one more time I swear to God I'll break it in half!" It can mean whatever you want. - Daromaius

32. I dare you to dress up your MC in a skating dress for at least 1000 words. Props if you go beyond 1000 words and your MC is still in the dress. More props if your MC is male. More props if you allow your MC to behave simultaneously like a monkey and a cat while at it. - violine

33. My dare: include a Useful Phrase from this list. Bonus if it's in the original language - or if you manage to use all of them, in context. - laurellyon

34. I dare someone to use the following line: "You're an ATP short of a complete Kreb Cycle." - haditnuit

35. Have a character ask someone out on a date by singing a song to them. Have the other character try to answer, but the singing character won't let them until the song is finished. Bonus points of this is a regular occurance between these two. Double bonus points if the other character goes out with the singing one just to get him/her to shut up. - Ketsurui

36. Have a charecter fighting with a coffee can, because it has a metal lid and they don't have a can opener. Bonus points if, upon opening it, they shout, "I HAVE DEFEATED THE COFFEE CAN OF EVIL!" followed by "I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY INANIMATE OBJECTS!" Triple bonus if then they realize, they have no sweetener, and can't stand it black. - jamileigh17

37. Include a rabid, evil, sentient, diabolical marshmallow somewhere in your story. - heaven is overrated
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