Dec 04, 2005 10:00
Here we go again, Zealots that just don't have anything better to do.
They are running around here boycotting, that's right boycotting some major retailers because, brace yourself, the employees are not saying "Merry Christmas" to shoppers. Now isn't that some hypocritical bunch of bunk. They are freaking out because retail employees are wishing shoppers, "Happy Holidays", or "Season's Greetings " instead of the apparent Zealot only appropriate "Merry Christmas".
Now, I myself personally feel there is NOTHING wrong with saying "Happy Holiday's" or "Seasons' Greeting's" and it certainly doesn't offend me, nor do I think would offend the mass of people that follow a different religious path other than Catholic or Christian.
This type of crap ( a more user friendly term) infuriates me, sorry if this offends some, but I don't think that everyone in this universe follows just one Religious path. Variety is the spice of life, and maybe these Zealots should practice what they preach and love their neighbor as themselves kinda deal, and get off their proverbial hypocritical high horse and quit trying to offend people that ARE NOT just like them. Maybe they should use all this new found energy to help people less fortunate than themselves during this time of the year !
Thank the Gods/Goddess' freedom of Religion is still my Constitutional right !