Asthma is insidious

Aug 02, 2008 12:00

I've been asthmatic all my life. Most of the time is well controlled. I take my preventers every day and rarely need ventolin. Except for the moment!. Its happened a few times before where asthma has settled in and I've had to go on steriods to get it under control.
It started out this time with having couple of attacks doing something mundane like walking, which ventolin took care of but it kept happening more and more. So I do all the things a good asthmatic is supposed to do - my measure my peakflow, increase the mediation. No improvement. So now I am on the cocktail of steriods both pills and new preventors.
I don't remember it getting worse once starting this cocktail before. Maybe its because I had so much on at work I could't stop but after having a scare in the morning and feeling quite ill I had to go to home and go to bed (propped up of course).
I'm really hoping the drugs kick in soon because I don't remember getting out of breath just walking through a few rooms in my flat before and I tell you its a bit scary and unsettling.
Anyway I'm spending the next 2 days in bed and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!
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