Jun 06, 2004 22:11
I must be going through something tonight. I don't know what though. Tonight I've just felt like blah. And no it's not Alex kicking the crap out of me as he tries to use my internal organs as a playground.
So I only have 9 weeks til he gets here. I'm happy about that. That's not got anything to do with why I feel blah.
Just sometimes I feel like I'm a pain to people. I want to RP but I don't want to seem like a pain. Some people are alright with me just IM'ing them as my character and other times I'll IM people as my character but there's not a response. It happened tonight to a few people. So now I don't know, I just feel blah about things. I know people have lives and things but sometimes I just get to a point where I feel like people don't want to even talk to me anymore. I know that's not how it is but I just get that way sometimes.
I'm trying to do what RPing I can now, since once Alex gets here I won't be able to do much of it since he'll be taking all my attention, or most of my attention I should say.
I don't know why I'm feeling this way. There's plenty of things to do on the net but sometimes like lately, I just feel like there's nothing to do. Not even around the house. Ok there's plenty to do around here like clean but I just don't feel like doing anything. I don't go out, I don't call people. All I want to do is stay in bed.
I hate this. I honestly hate it.