Feb 17, 2010 18:59
-- Today's happiness is brought to you by my realization that I don't have to celebrate Valentine's Day for my not my boyfriend to celebrate Presidents Day. I tried so hard to reject all the stereotypical trappings of 2/14, but in the end, it turns out I'm dating a romantic type. Happiness is accepting that.
-- Getting to talk to my gay husband. I miss him like I haven't missed a person since high school, when I didn't know better than to miss people like that. It's like teenage raw, stupid emotion that makes about as much sense as 90210 or Dawson's Creek. But, you know, with more plot line.
-- Picking a new housemate for the Palace. I'm nervous, but still excited. Not because I don't like the way things were, but because I appreciate the constant of change.
-- Taking most of the last two weeks off drinking. Some of it was necessary (I've been sick, yo!), but it's still good to know I can mostly not drink and still enjoy life. Point taken. I shall commence inebriation now.
-- Flipside fast approacheth. Hoohah!
30 days of happiness