Avadrea's Oddities Challenge

Dec 21, 2012 23:26

Avadrea's Oddities Challenge
A project I created for on online writing community this is a series of promts using rare, odd, or obscure words.  Please take part and enjoy!

rules (these rules are very lose simply because this is about inspiring writers and having fun)
1. These prompts can be used to create one shots, or in a longer story already in progress.
2. The prompt can be used in any form including, but not limited to, stories, fanfiction, poetry, haiku, and drawings.
3. There is no word count requirement just be inspired and have fun.
4. Please link me to the work created using the prompt.  I want to see what you guys are up to.  :) If you like you can link your work as a comment to this post.
5. Collect your banner if you want one or have a place to use it.  (I love banners)
6. There is no deadline for prompts.  You can use them at any time no matter how long ago they where posted.  It is my hope browsing the list will help inspire you to overcome the dreaded writers block, give you something new to work with, a new challenge, a game to hone your craft, or just something fun to try.


Prompt List (with definitions)
1. petrichor (PET-ri-kuhr) The pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a dry spell. 
2. Argent - silver or (especially in heraldry) silver-white
3. Whet - sharpen can be used literally of figuratively. Commonly used term "to whet one's appetite")
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