Even Church Is Not Safe From Twilight

Sep 09, 2010 16:48

I went to church last Wednesday night and I noticed this...interesting little girl with one of the younger church members name Alana. The reason why I say interested because she was decked out in all things twilight.

Well we have Youth Church on that night too, and all new people were told to stand up and introduce themselves and she was the only new one.

Didn't catch her name but what she said afterwards nearly gotten me put out of youth service for laughing so loudly. This is how it went:

Pastor Anderson: Well hello there young lady and what is your name.
The Girl: My name is ___(I forgot)...and I'm a vampire
-everybody stares and says nothing Alana sinks down in chair-
-Pastor Anderson looks at me and says- Um okay, well then who sired you?
Alana: Don't answer that-, The Girl: I was made by Carlise Cullen. Alana face palms and sinks lowering into chair.
Me: -while laughing- And let me guess Edward Cullen is your soulmate?!
and she looks at me with the most serious expression and says "Yes he is".

The entire youth service was quite (except me dying of laughter).

And yes I did ask her if she sparkled in the sun. Take a while guess to what she told me.

srsly?!, fail, twilight fuckery, fuckery

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