[FILTERED to his students. Icon appears as
Today is the Magic Fair. I would like you all to attend. Following that, write an 18-20 inch essay addressing relevant legal principles you have encountered in this class. For example, you may write on how one would go about legally documenting a new spell in order to receive recognition as its creator or what criteria must be met for a perfectly legal Magicked mundane item to be considered a misuse of a Muggle artifact, among other topics.
If you choose to reference a specific effort you saw at the Fair, be extremely precise and thoughtful in your argument. I will tolerate neither petty rivalry nor over-the-top praise in your essay. Due December 1.
[ooc: Homework may be turned in
here.] [/filter]
[The ink on the homework assignment is visibly much drier than the ink that follows. The handwriting is even a little shaky, and there are a few inkblots.]
[PRIVATE, but he's shaken and distracted, so it's easily hackable.]
This was slipped beneath my office door.
Explain. [/private]