__carina__ visiting from Germany. Chatting over humus and pitas at my kitchen table...then over to the internet where she showed me pics of the places she just traveled to...the
Amber Room of Pushkin Palace in Russia....and a great site with
floorplan maps and a virtual tour of The Hermitage. (Course I love the floorplans and navigating).The opulence is just surreal. She says every bit of it looks brand new...no feeling of 'history' that we're used to..no antiqued elements...all kept as if then Is now...sparkling.
Jeff and Leslie arrive (Bunny and Ladybug) and we all go back to chatting round snacks at the table.
sendao joins us (waah, he's moving back to Oregon) and B comes home and it's 'complete'. Hot pretzels, grapes, chocolate, cookies, wine, grape tomatoes, vegetarian sloppy joe for pita dippings...we gorge and yap and gorge and yap.
Then we run off to the big snowy hill
at the rec center nearby to be fools. No sleds, only B's old skool wooden snowboard with the staples that we take turns on and we're falling gracelessly into laughing snowheaps.Too steep that hill. Snowball fights ensue and I'm being chicken. Wet and cold we head back to the house. Shoulda taken pictures.
At 6:30 we catch a documentary on the latin illegal immigration situation on LI called
Farmingville which is part of the OLA latin film festival at our old college. I'm embarassed that the most vocal anti-immigration group in the film is called the Sachem Quality of Life organization. (my old grade schools and high school district). This is such a big issue/transition happening in my lifetime.
We dissipate after dinner. Bunny and Lady back to their home, last hugs to
sendao and he's off (wait really,no more hugs?:(). Carina stays over til morning and we yap some more as she emails some professors about hoping to do a thesis in NY instead of Germany.