Yay for the speedy ease of linkage and the wonders it can do.:)
I read this wonderful post on Tony Walsh's blog 'Clickable Clulture'last week
Transcending Physicality in Second Life and I was moved by it and decided to repost it with a link on the 'gaming technology for social good' discussion thread on omidyar.net.
Pam Omidyar was intrigued and looked into it more and she and I met up on Second Life and visited the Live2Give Island itself (along with Tom).
SO inspiring and wonderful what they've done there. I can't wait to show B. (B worked with a group of similarly disabled adults for quite a while and also worked at United Cerebral Palsy). Next thing you know, Pam has decided she is going to help Live2Give with some funding for new technology! :)! And then next thing you know both John Lester and June-Marie Mahay of Live2give are on omidyar.net and on 'our' Better Island discussion thread and all sorts of people are inspired and want to help and a new discussion thread 'Innovative Use of Technology for the extremely disabled' is started. And June-marie emails me and she's so sweet and we will meet up on SL soon(hopefully with B somehow). He's been researching adaptive devices for quite a while...and well,how perfect.
whew. this stuff is just so FAST!! Connections, connections.
Something as easy as just moving information along on the web can really make a difference quick! hmmmmmm