As you may have noticed, I hadn't been able to post about the tsunami. Been working up to it I guess?....*sigh*...trying to find perspective.
The tsunami is a recurring element that I've been
dreaming about for many many years. And though I dreamt that NYC was destroyed
exactly one month before 9/11....and I've dreamt so many strange encounters the day or week before they happen....and I really really am starting to accept this as part of my life...I never wanted to think of the tsunami dreams as anything but metaphor. Sure, there was a part of me that supposed that it might be the way I would die eventually...because the visuals and details were so VIVID....but mostly I thought of it differently. Signifying metaphorical change...evolution of perspective...
Now this.
What may be the greatest natural disaster of the century?....ugh...*exhale*
So, great. Thanks. Thanks for the warnings. I feel really.
*choking on sarcasm*
Ok,let's move on to dream visions that I do feel optimistic about. And let's give them a bit more seriousness since well...I'm not about to risk it, you do as you want, call me a loon or a witch or whatever. From another very powerful dream...I KNOW that the thing that will/can save humanity is 'when everyone decides to do something together' for the benefit of humanity. And this is where I got the idea for the 10% club. A voluntary donation vow that links the individual with the fates of those around the world. This tsunami may actually turn out to be the tipping point I've been imagining that would have to happen...the trigger in our awareness of how much we can do...if Everyone gives a little. The dream said it would be with the power of the web.(this before I was using computers btw)and before I read about Buckminster Fuller (I was led to HIM by a short dream of NYC under a dome...which I later found an exact image of in a book..a proposal by Fuller). Ok so we see dream patterns, no? Wouldn't you be paying attention to certain things if you were me?
SO, with great anticipation and hope I am watching the
counter on records the Millions that have been collected just through that site alone for the relief effort. (Last I checked it was at over 13 million). I donated my 10% of my paycheck through there and will donate the 10% from all the art checks once I get them (should be this week)also through there....just to help move that number along. Because I NEED this to reach the tipping point. IF will be the portal for the time being, great. It's already set up...and has the trust of millions of people to handle their credit cards. (In the dream there is another I'm supposed to be working on believe it or not).
OK,let's do it. Let's show how much we can do collaboratively with our Threads of Empathy.
THis has to be ongoing. The nature of this disaster is so huge...what has to be done to help people get back on their feet goes way past immediate water and food. Let's do it. Let's do what needs to be done and keep doing it.
Because they are us and we Are them. And we Must.
TO think we are separated is Illusion.
I may not know exactly what is in store for us all....but I have had a
glimpse of something wonderful that is Possible. Is a Choice. I really hope we decide to do it.