Pics from Gameland!

Dec 26, 2006 16:26

ok finally! here are some pics (I couldn't think to take any at the opening- wish I had but I was way too overwhelmed and talking to everyone- so we went back to get some installation shots a few days later). Here's the accompanying text:

December 10 - Jan 27, 2007
Darlene Charneco: Gameland
Reception: Thursday Dec 14, 6-8pm

Morgan Lehman is pleased to present Gameland, an exhibition of new mixed media works by Darlene Charneco.

Through the images in Gameland, Charneco continues to explore the meeting points of real life and virtual life, concepts mined in earlier exhibitions with Morgan Lehman Gallery, Everywhere and Cyburbia. In this exhibition, Charneco investigates social networks and the gradual reorganization of information on the web into shareable and intuitively navigable 3D spaces. She is inspired by the blurring boundaries between dream and waking activities, the implications of our rapidly increasing interconnectivity and the evolution of an accessible collective memory.

Ms. Charneco's work draws on a number of sources, including network theory, geographic information systems, video games, virtual worlds, childhood toys and educational tools. It is informed by her research and participation in online communities such as Myspace, LiveJournal and Flickr and an experimental community project called BetterWorldIsland within the 3D virtual world of SecondLife.

Ms. Charneco uses household nails, acrylic, enamel, glitter, model houses and trees, and multiple layers of resin to create 3-dimensional artworks which represent various aspects of these visualizations.

"From an aerial view, it is hard to ignore the similarities of our cities and roads to the internal structures of large and complex organism. One might consider the Web as a growing nervous system, full of sensors, gathering and sending information to and fro."

"What is our role within this organism?"

'Self-Archiving LibraryTemple'

'Islands of Common Interest':


Detail of 'Attractor' (3'x4'):

Desk showing Machinima footage of mini-cyburb imported into SecondLife w/ our avatars.:

Temporal Trio: BlackRockCity/The Playa, Yuan Ming Yuan, and Coney Island Level

resin, sand, nails, enamel, acrylic, ink on wood

link to the whole set on Flickr

The show will be up until Jan 27th- please do go see it if you get a chance!:)

virtual worlds, toys, games, second life, contemporary art, gameland, art world, chelsea, gallery

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