Jan 24, 2006 13:10
Attatchments and the chill of an old, ill-insulated apartment permeate this day. A stolen iPod and a black eye later, Chris is sleeping of his bad-news-blues. He gave me a really sweet letter for Christmas. I have to say that through all this nonsense we have been through in the past (almost) three years, as well as some of the best times, he has always been there for me and I for him. He's my BFF. Hah. Haven't used that one since the silver side was kickin'. And Kerry...Kenny...Merrill...Zack. It's nice to know that I have found a group of people that I can help and rely on when the times come to it. I miss everyone at home still, dearly, and wish that I had not allowed myself to grow so far away. Hopefully I can get some of you up here for our Art Carnivale.
I lost a hundred and fifty-six dollars gambling at the grocery store this morning. But I have Oberweiss milk, a first aid kit, and asparagus. And tofu. And couscous. And a million other things we will rapidly gnaw through. I guess it all turned out okay. I got a couple of guardian angels out of it.
Por ustedes:
Espiritu protector, que das protección y constancia a mi, a mis familiares queridos y amigos que me ayudan dadle ayuda a aquellos que me asistan con resoluciónes a los problemas de mi vida y dad consuleo a mi alma. Reveladme lo que tengo que hacer mañana y dadle fuerza y voluntad a mi afligido espiritu. Haced desaparecer mis problemas y restaurad mi fe. Amen.