Title: The Greatest Man That Ever Lived
Pairing(s): Viggo/Orlando
Genre(s): Romance, drama
Length: 745 words (+20 000 in total)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The ever-changing love between two men throughout the years, as they grow together in both age and emotional maturity.
Viggo was there in early 1977 when the newest addition to the Bloom family was conceived. It was a difficult situation, with lots of panicking on both sides of the spectrum. The baby was born blue from lack of oxygen due to a premature birth, but eventually recovered to become a healthy red tint after a week. Mrs. Bloom was weeping with happiness as she rocked the crying newborn back and forth in her bony arms, and Viggo himself had to consciously stop the tears that threatened to escape his own eyes. The nineteen-year-old manservant thought that little Orlando was beautiful even covered in uterine mucus and menstrual blood.
Mrs. Bloom, still overcome with happiness, motioned for him to come closer with several flicks of her skinny wrist. “Vig, look, he’s perfect!” she sobbed. “The most perfect little angel.”
The teenager had to agree as he sat on the edge of the hospital bed, smiling softly at the life that was only a few hours old. “He is beautiful,” he whispered, letting his finger lightly slide down the bridge of Orli’s smooth nose.
“Do you know why I asked you to accompany me here?”
The young man shook his head, chin-length brown hair falling over his face as he glanced at the deep fingernail markings on his left hand that had to endure Mrs. Bloom’s tight grasp during labor. “No, ma’am.”
The mother smiled. “You’re like a son to me, Vig. And because I trust you and because I know that you will be able to handle what I am offering, you are being promoted. I would like you to be main servant of my son in addition to your current responsibilities. If you want to, that is.”
To his surprise, Viggo did not really need to think twice before he responded with the affirmative. It was just meant to be, really. “May I hold him, ma’am?”
An ecstatic Mrs. Bloom nodded and stretched out her arms, face wet and bright under the hospital light. Carefully, Viggo took the baby from her and held it close to his broad chest, letting the little head rest on the crease of his elbow. He admired the immaculate skin, perfectly shaped fingers and toes (perfectly ten and ten, respectively), little white belly, and hardly audible snores that came from his tiny nose. He lightly stroked Orli’s pink cheeks and immersed himself in the new untouched texture. And when the baby made a little hiccup sound, Viggo chuckled, vowing to protect and love the little one with every single cell in his being. Intrinsically, he knew that it would be the closest he would ever experience as love at first sight.
After two days in the hospital, Mrs. Bloom and her precious Orlando finally had no choice but to arrive back home as the former had an important business meeting that was nearly impossible to postpone despite Viggo’s insistence that she stays long enough to recover. As a result, Orlando was in the servant’s care and in his care only. For the whole afternoon and well into the night, the young man watched over the newborn. When he was not feeding him, washing him, or changing his diaper, Viggo just watched the beautiful boy sleep soundly in his cradle, observing how the little chest moved up and down in a perpetual cycle as if worried that the cycle would suddenly cease.
He reached down and cupped Orlando’s tiny face, rubbing his thumb across his cheek. “Why don’t you open your eyes, Orli?” he wondered aloud. The baby’s eyelids haven’t budged ever since his birth two days prior, and it was starting to worry the manservant. “I long to see your eyes. I long for you to see me, as does your mother.” He sighed. “You are a lucky boy to have people love you like this. Your mother loves you more than she loves herself. And it may seem strange for me to say this, I who have no blood or filial relation to you, but strangely enough I think I feel the same way. I love you, Orlando.”
It was at that moment when little Orli at long last decided to find out what exactly was behind his closed eyelids, revealing dark brown expressive orbs that were both deep and bright. With them, he took in the first sight of his whole life-straight into the eyes of the man who said that he loved him.
Chapter 1