Nov 18, 2004 07:57
Oh my gosh. I used to be a firm believer in the fact that pre-election was the definition of how annoying Liberals and their ilk could become. Once again, I was proved wrong! Liberals and their whining have increased ten fold since the election! "The only poll that matters is the one on Nov. 2" (Or whatever day the recount Liberals demand is finished), is a normal Liberal stand-by for pre-election when the polls don't jump to their favor. Now, it's post-election, and these morons won't be quiet! I don't think I've seen whining like this since the time I had to watch all ten of my little cousins! But one of my favorite times was when some shrinks tried to make my hero El Rushbo out to be some looser by telling him off for offering free help to those who were "tramatized by the outcome of the recent election". God, why can't you just smite a small group of people for me? It isn't too much to ask, is it? (Btw, Rush's offer was genuine, as are his counseling credentials).
To quote one of my friend's favorite shows, "Humanity has evolved... into a bunch of namby pamby whiners."
(He won, get over it!)