Sep 28, 2006 18:38
It's weird. The more time I have here in the dorms, the more plot bunnies that are being painstakingly saved to my flashdrive. I've already got another Shayera/John/Rex fic in the work, and possibly another drabble series. Yay for writing again. camp was definitely not what I expected it to be. I can definitely see why the band is so famous, but it was a little too overwhelming for me. Besides, after seeing the amount of writing I'll be doing for my English and NAS classes, I doubt I'll have time to do anything but eat, sleep, and write essays. And of course, write these new stories. I've only been in school for a few days, and I already dislike my NAS class. It's not the teacher or class material itself per se, but this project he has us doing is irritating. There's already a huge list of websites we're not allowed to use as research, which severely narrows down how the hell I'm going to find my information. more NAS after this quarter.
So...yeah. First college post. Squee! I guess I'll get back to my English homework/drabbles now.