Day Zero.

Jan 07, 2013 00:52

1 Help get a student published in 2013
2 Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over
3 Complete a 365 day photo challenge
4 Leave 150 inspirational notes inside 150 books
5 Pay for the person behind me in the drive-thru or in restaurant or at a grocery store
6 Save up $2000 cash for no particular reason
7 Donate $100 to a charity of our family's choice
8 Throw all of the world’s countries in a hat and pick 10. Read a book on each country’s history
9 Grow vegetables and eat them
10 Keep a houseplant alive for a year
11 Drink nothing but water for a month
12 Go camping for a weekend with the family
13 Attempt to learn french (seeing as it's a national language)
14 Do a spin class
15 Spend nothing at Christmas by making every single gift (incl gift wrap)
16 Learn to write with my left hand. Legibly
17 First Aid certification
18 Start a second post secondary course/training
19 Donate 150 baby hats to different neonatal units around canada
20 Get my drivers license
21 Get my passport
22 Enroll the girls in something of their choosing (dance, band, sports, etc)
23 Redecorate my bedroom
24 Go to a Pride event
25 Get my septum pierced
26 Dye my dreads light brown
27 Get at least 10 hours of tattoo work underway
28 Follow a body detox program for 7-10 days
29 Don't spend a single penny for one week
30 Read 1001 books the girlies. Take a photo of each book to keep track
31 In to bed at 9 pm for at least one week per month
32 Get a facial, mani & pedi for the first time
33 Get my picture taken with a stranger
34 Study the art of making tea. Make tea. Gift it to a friend
35 Go to Banff for summer holidays
36 Get a massage
37 Learn to skate
38 Learn to ski
39 Go horseback riding
40 Go skydiving
41 See 10 classic movies I've never seen
42 Complete a coloring book
43 Run a half marathon
44 Host a dinner party
45 Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet
46 Complete a 100 Pushups Challenge
47 Complete a 200 Sit-ups Challenge
48 Complete a 200 Squats Challenge
49 Cook 5 meals from 5 different countries
50 Perform 5 random acts of kindness
51 Learn to write my name in Japanese
52 Visit my childhood home
53 Learn to count to 10 in 10 languages
54 Become a bone marrow donor
55 Read every Booker Prize winner
56 Catch a fish from a canoe
57 Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for 6 months
58 Throw away all my underwear and start again
59 Develop a workout routine that doesn't require equipment
60 Build a blanket fort and sleep in it
61 Build a massive lego tower
62 Make a list of thirty recipes I want to cook and cook them
63 Write a list of 101 things I’ve already achieved in this lifetime
64 Write a love letter to my husband
65 Make my own soap
66 Buy bright pants, and wear them
67 Buy a Wreck This Journal and finish it
68 Re-stretch my ears back to 1/2 inch. Maybe go toward 3/4 inch
69 Buy lady shoes. Wear them at work
70 Buy a dress. Wear it
71 Visit Hawaii and see a volcano
72 Reach a healthy BMI
73 Start a memory jar in 2013
74 Build a compost bin
75 Floss every day for a month
76 10 minutes of exercise per day
77 Fill my blood donation card
78 Pay off credit cards
79 Stand in the ocean
80 Complete NaNoWriMo
81 Complete 25 writing prompts from
82 Blog every day for a month
83 Do the handwriting challenge (
84 Set monthly budgets
85 Update my goodreads account with all of the books I currently own, order books from my to-read lists
86 Play videogames with my husband
87 Design my own calendar
88 Visit my mom's grave and bring her flowers
89 Go on a date a month for 6 months
90 Make the bed every day for a month
91 Have a table at a craft show
92 Plan meals every day for a month
93 Brown bag my lunch every day for a month
94 Make friends with 2 moms, organize playdates and sleepovers
95 Participate in Operation Beautiful (
96 Stay at a B&B
97 Buy a chess set, learn to play, beat Greg (the resident chess expert)
98 Print favorite photos, frame and hang in living room
99 Scan all of the photos in my mum's photo albums
100 Re-establish a connection with 5 penpals. Keep in touch on a regular basis
101 For every thing completed, put $10 in a box. On day 1001, do something amazing with it
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