fyi. ATM means at the moment for those not in the know...or now.
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"Where do I live?"
"You live in a country where gullible gaijin love to also get the added bonus of insanely neurotic natives! Which I call Japanese people"
"Well...I need a good place to live..."
"Well perhaps you've come to the wrong in this country but beware, there is a super shitty company which hires poor saps like yourself"
"Ooooh thats bad."
"But you get to have your own apartment!"
"That's good!"
"The apartment is the about the size of a shoebox, has no kitchen, shitty air circulation, a stupid little washer....(I can go on lol)"
"That's bad."
"But you work for a Japanese company and live in Japan!"
"That's good!"
"The company contains potassium benzoate...."