Apr 26, 2006 10:21
Okay, like I usually say, its been a long time since I've updated. This semester has been crazy busy, and is only now slowing down. The only thing that made it easier is my dropping my Advanced Calc class. What a friggin' headache. It's basically a course to teach you rigorous definitions about how Calculus 1 and 2 work. The only thing we really did in class was proofs. Lots of one to two page proofs over stuff that seems like common sense, but requires an act of God to prove. So long until next Spring, since I have to have it to graduate. Work is there, with some of the more stupid people finding ways to not get fired. Also, let me ask ya'll this? Is it too much to ask that for one week I have everybody show up to work. Of the four people I'm in charge of, I can say without a doubt that there hasn't been one whole week since maybe the first of January where everybody came to work. And to make it better, I have my supervisor breathing down my neck wondering why I stay behind. I wonder?
On the fun front, I'm partially sidelined right now. I overextended myself to begin with, with a mens and coed softball and soccer teams. Four teams of fun, but now enough hours in the day. The bad part is three weeks ago, during a softball game, I did something to my right knee while trying to cover third base, since the girls who were there that day couldn't have stopped a wiffle ball if you hit it at them, and I play first base. I think I just popped it out of place, and it popped back in, so hopefully no ligament tears. After two weeks, I was feeling better, but found out something nifty. Last thursday we had softball practice and I went as usual. I was able to run and field the ball pretty decently. Then I went up to hit, since I've had the itch for the last couple weeks to knock a few out. Get my pitch, swing hard, and feel my knee pop again from the twist. Welcome to me hobbling again. It gets better everyday, and I was able to hit pretty decently last night at practice, so hopefully I'll be good to go in another week or so.
In other news, the wedding is slowly coming together. This weekend Jennifer and I picked out tux styles, so all I need to do is go get the boys together and get fitted. Hopefully one of these weekends, we'll get the invitations together and mailed. On the side of bad news, it looks like A-kon isn't happening this year. I really would like to go, but with wedding and summer school, it'll be rough to get everything together. Best case scenario now is if I get a wild hair up my tail end, I might come down for Saturday on a suicide trip, but then again Jennifer told me the other day about the NIN concert in Dallas the week before, so I'm pretty sure we'll be going to that. Two weekends of driving to Dallas sounds like a bit of a tall order for me, especially with stupid gas prices. My heart goes out for you folks in places like Dallas where you have to fill up every couple days. I'm mad enough at filling up every week.