It's been a while. I guess I'm due for an update. I'm still out here on my own now in Alberta, taking classes and working on my writing. Alain's moved back with his family. There was too much tension between us with my mental health issues and his own, and he confessed he had feelings for a female friend of his back in Vancouver, so we went separate ways. He needed more room for independent time to work on his music, and doing the 9-5 job, settled down married thing here was both not making him happy and aggravating his OCD. We still talk and he seems happier now with her so I'm glad for him.
In-between classes and working, I don't have much time for anything else (other than watching the new House episodes...). Still go online every now and then to check e-mail, but I mostly only use my laptop for writing. I'm having some success with new medication so things have been a bit better recently. I'll have to post some new stuff I've gotten written here one of these days.
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