We got home from knitting last night to find a note tucked into our door. I grabbed it, noticed the logo on the envelope was not the same as what we thought the current owners of our complex were, and opened her up. Turns out
Brady Sullivan has followed us from our last apartment to purchase our current complex. So what does this really mean for Ericka and I?
It means that Brady Sullivan will do its borg-like actions, and assimilate the 288 (or so) apartments here, and try to flip them into condos.
This also means that we'll be in the market for someplace new within a year. Our current lease is up in February, we may renew that, we may not. But from out last dealings with Brady Sullivan, at least they typically offer cash to move out before their crews are scheduled to start revamping the place. They also offer long terms to current residents, such as the state-mandated 2 and a half years if someone in the house-hold is receiving payments from the VA for disability (sometimes Ericka's MS works out for us...).
We'll probably think about buying our place, if they'll come in and make the necessary changes to it, such as redoing the whole kitchen (including new dish washer), and actually take care of the hallway. Our carpet in the common hallway just plain sucks, there's holes in the wall from god-knows how long ago, etc...
Well, I still have to go to work, so I'll leave this here.